"How to be a great dad WITHOUT sacrificing a great career?"

"I would strongly encourage new dads to access The New Dads Accelerator.  It provides a focused and fresh approach to the dynamics of fatherhood. 

I feel lucky to have accessed this course after birth of our second child. My only wish is that I'd accessed the course after the birth of our first."

Patrick, GP Partner in London

Dear Friend

Becoming a new dad is tough, even if isn’t your first time. 

Tiring, hectic and stressful.

You might feel disorganised, lacking focus and direction, but too busy to pause and reflect.

The first year of becoming a new dad is wonderful in many ways but it can also be isolating, feeling like there is no one to talk to.

It's easy to become overwhelmed when you are pulled in different directions, between work, children, relationships and trying to find time for yourself

No wonder you feel stress, worry and conflict. The expectations on our dad’s generation stopped at being the breadwinner. Anything else was a bonus.

I know you want to be there for your family and that work is really important to you too, both for the income and the lifestyle it provides, and for the sense of meaning, challenge and achievement it gives you personally.

But the pressure is on to be “the Rock”- making sure you don’t let anyone down.

This course will give you the insight and skills to build your own solid foundations. Helping you have the type of difficult conversations it's all too easy to put off.

This stuff matters - because becoming a new dad is an incredibly stressful and anxious time, getting it "right" now gives you a great chance of avoiding the worst case scenarios

“If there's one thing I wish we'd done better, it would have been to have those really honest discussions - rather than the more off-hand comments and observations - about the work life balance for both of us, including as a couple and as parents.   But hey - we live and learn, eh?!” 

Toby, 41, Separated.

The pressure you feel will only intensify because it’s tougher than ever to feel like you are being “a great dad”. You want to be the type of active and involved Dad that you don’t remember from your childhood. It’s just not what men did those days, but you no longer accept that the only way to show commitment to work is by staying late at work.

The Good News Is You Don’t Have To Cope Alone…

The New Dads Accelerator gives you a guided, 5 module, process to create a better understanding of yourself, your purpose and your relationships.

What would you say to anyone on the fence thinking about signing up to The New Dads Accelerator?

This what my dads said...

"Well worth it, even if you think you're eyes are open, it opens them wider and gives you options on how to improve."

"You owe it to yourself and your family to give this a try."

"Definitely sign up"

"Excellent resource to foster your own thoughts and development as a new parent . Important life long reflective skills."

"Definitely worth it."

"Would strongly encourage new dads to access The New Dads Accelerator. It provides a focused and fresh approach to the dynamics of fatherhood. I feel lucky to have accessed this course after birth of our second child. My only wish is that I'd accessed the course after the birth of our first."

"If it only makes you a better dad by 1%, over the course of your child's life that is huge, don't sit on the fence, go for it!"

About Ian Dinwiddy

I deliver coaching, presentations and workshops to innovative businesses who put supporting new dads at the heart of their gender equality strategy, recognising the positive impact on equality and well-being of helping dads solve the challenge of “how to be a great dad WITHOUT sacrificing a great career.”

An ex Management consultant, twice a stay at home dad and an English National League hockey umpire, I’m the co-host of 46 episodes of the Lockdown Dads podcast, where we interviewed politicians, PhDs and an international rock star.

I deliver webinars such as “Supporting Dads at Work, a Route to Gender Equality” and workshops covering topics such as “The Emotional and Practical Impacts of Becoming a Dad” and “The Dad You Want To Be - Tips For Fathering Success.”
Ian Dinwiddy

As seen in

The New Dads Accelerator

Course content

    1. How To Use This Course

    2. Welcome to The New Dads Accelerator

    3. Where are you at, right now?

    4. Checklist

    1. Welcome to Module 1

    2. The Dad Journey

    3. The Emotional Impact of Becoming a Dad

    4. New Parents, New Identities

    5. The Practical Impacts of Fatherhood

    6. End of Module 1 Reflection

    1. Welcome to Module 2

    2. Discovering Your Purpose

    3. Identifying Your Values

    4. Identifying Your Successes and Recognise Your Challenges

    5. Your Five Key People of Influence

    6. End of Module 2 Reflection

    1. Welcome to Module 3

    2. Wheel of Life

    3. Create your 'Be, Do, Have' list

    4. 'Be, Do, Have' Meets 'Wheel of Life'

    5. Digging Deeper Into Your Why

    6. Identify Your Top Five Objectives

    7. How Much Money Do Your Objectives Require?

    8. End of Module 3 Reflection

    1. Welcome to Module 4

    2. Energy and Time Management

    3. Pest Control

    4. What Does Good "Work Life Balance" Mean To You?

    5. Assess Your Work Life Balance

    6. Design Your Ideal Working Week

    7. Achieving Your Ideal Work Life Balance

    8. End of Module 4 Reflection

    1. Welcome to Module 5

    2. The Maternal Gate-keeping Challenge

    3. Understanding 'The Second Shift' and 'Mental Load'

    4. The Cost of Getting Equality 'Wrong.'

    5. Role Modelling Great Behaviours

    6. Creating Shared Purpose and Direction

    7. End of Module 5 Reflection

    8. Wrap Up The End of The Course

About this course

  • £79.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

What is included in the course?

  • Weekly bitesize content

    Five core modules - bite size video, short lessons and homework activities to fit in with busy lives.

  • Lifetime access

    Lifetime access to content and future updates. Revisit if you don’t have time to complete the first time round.

  • Bonus resources

    This course won't teach you how to look after your child, nappy changing or anything about weaning or development... but we will signpost extra resources!

You're probably a bit sceptical…

How relevant is the course going to be for me? Is this just a bunch of frameworks and theory that’ll bear little relevance to real life issues? Will the course would help you achieve your goals?

What’s it going to be like meeting strangers and sharing experiences of being a dad? And can I even fit it in during a busy working week?

Let me reassure you of a few things.

What it is

✅ Me guiding you a through a framework you can use to future proof your life. 

✅ Learning some science so you can best to support your partner.

✅ Reducing your well-being and mental health challenges.

✅ Discovering why you need to be more than just a 'hero' to your kids.

✅ Planning how to balance your work, family and personal interests.

✅ Learning how to design a life that supports both you and your partner’s needs.

 What it isn’t

❌ Me telling you HOW to live your life...

❌ Not JUST for first time dads, this is for any dad with a ‘new’ baby, under 12 months old.

I'll let the guys tell you about some results...

What results have you achieved as a result of this course?

"A clearer plan of how to pave the way forward."

"I am more resilient and reflective."

"Taking time for myself after a day at work"

"More clarity on holistic management of life with a new child. More oversight of personal and long term goals"

"Better understanding of how to help my wife by taking on more responsibilities at home."

"Appreciation of making positive changes in work life harmony." 

"The course has made me more aware of the change in identity and roles of each parent and I find myself reflecting on this more than I had before. 

As a result I feel I can approach family life with a more balanced viewpoint. I am developing an awareness of the issues that are faced by mum's every day which don't play out so much with fathers."

"More open in terms of discussions at home regarding parental roles and team approach. 

Also encouraged to be more of a present dad and not just focused on bread winning - now think of it more as gathering. 

Overall its been a game changer at very important time in our lives."

Why does this course matter?


The New Dads Accelerator will support you to process the emotional and practical upheaval of parenthood.

It’ll help you to understand the causes and potential solutions for the immediate stress and worry that inevitably comes with becoming a father,

Then help you to build solid foundations and high quality, equitable, relationships for the future.

With the NCT reporting that the number of men who become depressed in the first year after becoming a dad is double that of the general population and 1 in 10 dads-to-be will also become depressed during their partner’s pregnancy, connecting new dads to supportive content and community is an enabler of workplace performance, improved well-being and gender equality at home.

Covid-19 has been tough on parents, with the burden of domestic and childcare responsibilities falling more heavily on mums but with dads significantly increasing the amount of childcare they do.

Concerns and pressures about childcare, gender roles and the fear of being seen as uncommitted in the workplace are all challenges that are tackled in this course.

1) Discover Your Values, Priorities and True Purpose

2) Develop Your Communication Skills and Nurture Key Relationships.-

3) Create A Work Life Balance That Delivers the Priorities That Really Matter to You.

The New Dads Accelerator

Creating great foundations, today.

Success Stories


"When I first started working with Ian, I was attempting to juggle life at work and home, with the distinction between each being blurred.

I felt like I was never quite fully meeting my role in each or making much needed time for myself. Ian helped me to focus on how to manage my time, energy and responsibilities."


"I got so caught up in just the survival of having 3 under 3s, supporting my wife and starting a new job that I neglected myself and my own mental well being.

Taking that time out to speak to someone completely independent who has the experience has really made a difference. I am extremely grateful for Ian's support and advice and would recommend him to anyone."


"I had just returned to work after having my first child, most of my team had been made redundant and I’d recently moved house and was living out of boxes - the ensuing Covid 19 lockdown didn’t make things any easier either!

I found the regular chats with Ian, an impartial third-party, helped me make sense of it all.

Just saying things that are in your head out loud to be beneficial and valuable. Working with a coach or mentor really can help, I’d definitely do it again."

It's not JUST about supporting dads...

We asked the partners of our dads for their thoughts

  • What pressures did your partner face before starting The New Dads Accelerator?

    "Work life balance and a lack of sleep."

    "Work life balance, financial implications and being the ‘perfect’ dad."

    "A very demanding job and commute, feeling guilty about not seeing enough of me and our son, not feeling as though he was supportive enough of us."

  • What positive changes have you seen in him as a result of the course?

    "More conversations about shared responsibility."

    "Better mental space, accepting that there is no such thing as a perfect dad, accepting that I would know the kids a little better and how to look after them."

    "More open to discussing the difficult topics, more of a team player, more self-awareness."

  • How have these positive changes improved your life?

    "Greater appreciation of what's needed to make us happy as a family of four."

    "A lot calmer with the children, better work life balance, realising that he can do it all"

    "We have much more open communication... I feel like we are sharing the load a lot more which has been a huge relief for me, and I feel much more optimistic about our future as a family "


  • Who is the course for?

    Expectant dads, brand new dads and anyone with children under 1 year will find the content useful and full of implementable tips, tricks and content.

  • Will I have time to do this course?

    This course is designed so you can dip in and out of it, so even if you have 15 minutes here and there to grab a cup of tea and complete a lesson you will benefit from it. It is structured in bite-sized lessons to fit in with busy work and family lives.

  • This isn’t my first child, will this course be useful for me?

    It’s never too late to get the foundations right for you and your family and build improvements that last.

    Patrick, GP Partner in London and 2nd time dad had this to say:

    "My only wish is that I'd accessed the course after the birth of our first."

  • How long do I have to access this course?

    Once you have signed up to the course you will have lifetime access to it and any updates we make.

  • I'm a single parent, will this course be useful for me?

    Definitely. The content is designed to increase knowledge and skills that can be used in any parental relationship - including co-parenting or solo parenting.

  • I’m part of an LGBQT+ couple, is this course suitable for me?

    Absolutely yes! The course is suitable for anyone who is becoming a new dad and will help you plan a future that works for you and your family unit.

  • How does Inspiring Dads use my personal data?

    Your data will be held securely in this learning platform - Thinkific for as long as you have an account there, and in Active Campaign for the duration of the online course, after which it is deleted unless you opt in to our mailing list.

    Our full privacy policy is available at:


The New Dads Accelerator

A clearer plan of how to move forward.